tisdag 26 juli 2011

Spoiler: vad kommer hända under rättegången?

Det har rapporterats att Anders Behring Breivik velat bära uniform under sin häktningsförhandling men inte närmare specificerats vilken typ av uniform. Men det är alltså en hemmagjord PCCTS uniform han velat använda. Detta för att visa att han inte accepterar den illegala norska statsledningen. Under själva rättegången kommer hans främsta budskap vara att kräva en kapitulation från den norska regeringen:

The uniform of the PCCTS, Knights Templar is therefore a dress uniform which will be used during special occasions. Our dress uniform during phase 1 will be used for the sole purpose of representing the authority of our military order and tribunal during trial. The likely destiny of any Justiciar Knight in phase 1 is either death through martyrdom or apprehension. In the latter scenario we use our uniform with decorations during our trial to show clearly that we do not acknowledge the illegal regimes operating in Western Europe. After all, the PCCTS, Knights Templar is the highest political and military authority in Western Europe. During trial, we clearly demonstrate this by demanding a full capitulation from the criminal multiculturalist regime to our patriotic forces. Obviously, this is not likely to happen during phase 1. Nevertheless, it is still an important formality required from all Justiciar Knights in phase 1.

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